2023 Week 14

3rd April - 9th April

I couldn’t wait any longer for the Asparagus plants to turn up from Thompson and Morgan so started to plan out the planting pattern for the new raised beds and got on with seeding the ground.

Meanwhile, in the study, the young plants are all doing well and looking forward to getting out into the frost free garden. The Squash plants seem to have calmed down a little now but some are already putting out flower buds. Ive nipped out some and left some so it will be intriguing to see which fruit best in the long run.

We used up the left over cladding from the gym on the back of the timber stud raised bed. It was already painted green on the tongue and as it was unlikely that the thin blue stain would cover this up, I opted for finishing it off in the same colour. Pauline declares that she prefers the green in a way that suggests that she doesn’t like the sage colour…

The supply of wood chip from the bottom of the garden is still holding out and makes for a wonderfully cushioned surface to walk on. The relatively free drawing nature of it also provides a sensible material for the bottom edge of the boards to rest against.

The marking out of the frame for the greenhouse is a slow but important process that requires high levels of concentration.

The back posts getting marked out for height against the brick wall.

The rain has subsided enough to allow for a few days of brickwork this week and, slowly but surely, the end wall is rising up.


2023 Weeks 15 & 16


2023 Week 13